Here's the question Rachel poses to her workshop participants, "How do you do it? How do you get out of bed every day? What motivates you to open sleep-filled eyes, pull back the warm covers, and face the day?" Hmmmmmm......can I think about that when I'm awake?
Actually, it has gotten me to thinking. What motivates me to get up? What do I look forward to each morning? Some mornings it is the anticipation of a simple cup of coffee and a chocolate muffin heated up for me at my favorite coffee shop The Purple Onion in Los Gatos. Lately, I have been motivated by a new project I have been workingon with Joni--the Leader2Leader Pilot Program which we are working on for our local high school.
But Rachel's question also begs reflection on how we are inspired by others. Who do you look at and ask yourself, "How does she do it?"
- How does a new bride find the courage to get married right out of college, move to a new state, wave her husband good-bye for 2+ months, and still managecreate a workshop out of thin-air and then launch herself on a national tour to try it out?
- How does a college freshman filled with self-doubt challenge herself to take on a new environment, new roommates, and new systems with such determination and honesty?
- How does an only child sandwiched between generations manage an elderly dad and new grandbabies and stay reasonably sane?
- How does a college graduate turn herself into a juggler, performer, and perhaps even a rock star while entertaining us with mimicry and British accents?
I am inspired by some pretty amazing women who do their inspiring acts in quiet, unassuming ways. So, since this all too infrequently blogged blogspot is about life's celebrations, I raise a glass to celebrate these lovely ladies--my inspirations..
...and I continue to get up every morning, anticipating the day...